Summer Game Fest 2023: Unveiling Crimson Desert by PearlAbyss

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May 31, 2023

Summer Game Fest 2023: Unveiling Crimson Desert by PearlAbyss

A Challenging Q1 for PearlAbyss But High Hopes for Black Desert Online

Although PearlAbyss reported lower-than-expected results for 1Q23, the company's flagship game Black Desert Online continues to maintain a firm hold on the market. This quarter saw the introduction of the Land of the Morning Light edition and the addition of a new Woosa class in Black Desert Mobile, contributing to a 21% increase in earnings for the mobile game.

The absence of these updates in the 1Q23 results could explain some of the financial challenges faced by the company. However, PearlAbyss has managed to maintain steady earnings from the EVE IP, indicating the strong underlying business and the continued popularity of their existing game lineup.

Crimson Desert: On the Horizon

Looking forward, PearlAbyss is approaching an exciting phase with the development of its upcoming game, Crimson Desert. The company announced during the 1Q23 earnings call that they plan to complete the development of the game and initiate marketing efforts from 2H23. This indicates that gamers could expect a slew of new information, trailers, and updates about the game from August onwards.

Crimson Desert will be given its moment in the spotlight at the Summer Game Fest this June, where PearlAbyss will also market the global release of the Land of the Morning Light edition for Black Desert Online. Following this, the release of Crimson Desert trailers and marketing campaigns will begin in earnest in August at Gamescom, one of the world's most esteemed gaming trade shows.

These marketing efforts will continue all the way through to The Game Awards at the end of 2023, ahead of the expected release of Crimson Desert in the first half of 2024. Given the impact of trailers and in-game video releases on gamers' anticipation levels, the global gaming community's expectations for Crimson Desert are likely to increase exponentially in the coming months.

Anticipations and Concluding Remarks

The gaming community should keep an eye on PearlAbyss as they continue to drum up excitement for Crimson Desert and other game releases. The fervor surrounding Crimson Desert is expected to build up to a fever pitch during Gamescom in August, where trailers for the new game will be revealed.

Overall, the second half of 2023 is shaping up to be an exciting period for PearlAbyss, with key marketing efforts and gaming trade shows scheduled. Crimson Desert, with its highly anticipated release, promises to offer a thrilling new experience for gamers around the world.