Pearl Abyss Shares Crimson Desert Insights

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May 9, 2023

Pearl Abyss Shares Crimson Desert Insights

Pearl Abyss Explores Beyond Black Desert Online

In a recent interview with, Pearl Abyss North America CEO JJ Jin shared insights on the company's expansion beyond its flagship MMORPG, Black Desert Online. Pearl Abyss is currently developing three new games: Crimson Desert, DokeV, and Plan 8.

Crimson Desert: A New Direction

Crimson Desert, originally planned as a Black Desert sequel, pivoted early in development to become an original story set in a separate world. The gameplay will also depart from its predecessor, focusing more on single-player-driven experiences. Jin explained that the team wanted to challenge themselves with new technology and create something better, different, and unique that players worldwide can enjoy.

Single-Player Experiences and Building Communities

When asked about the shift towards single-player games, given the popularity of multiplayer games-as-a-service, Jin rejected the idea of an either/or approach. She emphasized that Pearl Abyss aims to build communities around their games, regardless of whether they are single-player, multiplayer, or MMOs. She also pointed out that single-player titles can foster communities with DLCs, sequels, big expansions, and other updates, even if the cadence for such additions is slower compared to MMORPGs like Black Desert Online.

Jin hopes that the insights gained through Black Desert Online's live operations can be applied to new titles like Crimson Desert, even if they are not typical MMOs. The goal is to create better ways to serve the community on an ongoing basis.

Exploring Different Game Genres and Business Strategies

During the interview, Jin also touched upon the diversification of the gaming market, the growth of console gaming in Asia, and how younger generations are exploring various game genres. She emphasized that this diversification requires game companies to be smarter and adopt different monetization or business strategies, depending on their target audience.

As Pearl Abyss continues to develop its new titles, it remains focused on creating unique and engaging experiences for players worldwide. The full interview with JJ Jin can be read here.